Dress Code
Abergele Golf Club takes a modern approach to the topic of the dress rule, the basis of which is to maintain a smart modern golf club. It is hoped therefore that members support this approach and help maintain this standard in the following areas. Whenever you or your guests are within the Clubhouse, smart casual wear is acceptable unless otherwise stated. Across the golf course and practice areas, the basic dress rule is golf wear that is designed to be worn for the purpose of playing golf i.e. clothing which may be found on sale at golf shops etc.
Ready Golf
Here at Abergele Golf Club, we encourage and promote Ready Golf.
“Ready golf” is a commonly used term which indicates that players should play when they are ready to do so, rather than adhering strictly to the “farthest from the hole plays first” stipulation in the Rules of Golf.
“Ready golf” is not appropriate in match play due to the strategy involved between opponents and the need to have a set method for determining which player plays first. However, in stroke play formats it is only the act of agreeing to play out of turn to give one of the players an advantage that is prohibited. On this basis, it is permissible to encourage “ready golf” in stroke play, and there is strong evidence to suggest that playing “ready golf” does improve the pace of play. For example, in a survey of Australian golf clubs conducted by Golf Australia, 94% of clubs that had promoted “ready golf” to their members enjoyed some degree of success in improving pace of play, with 25% stating that they had achieved ‘satisfying success’.
When “ready golf” is being encouraged, players have to act sensibly to ensure that playing out of turn does not endanger other players.
The term “ready golf” has been adopted by many as a catch-all phrase for a number of actions that separately and collectively can improve pace of play. There is no official definition of the term, but examples of “ready golf” in action are:
– Hitting a shot when safe to do so if a player farther away faces a challenging shot and is taking time to assess their options
– Shorter hitters playing first from the tee or fairway if longer hitters have to wait
– Hitting a tee shot if the person with the honour is delayed in being ready to play
– Hitting a shot before helping someone to look for a lost ball
– Putting out even if it means standing close to someone else’s line
– Hitting a shot if a person who has just played from a greenside bunker is still farthest from the hole but is delayed due to raking the bunker
– When a player’s ball has gone over the back of a green, any player closer to the hole but chipping from the front of the green should play while the other player is having to walk to their ball and assess their shot
– Marking scores upon immediate arrival at the next tee, except that the first player to tee off marks their card immediately after teeing off
Code of Conduct
Abergele Golf Club deems that upon payment of membership or green fees, all members, guests and visitors have given their consent to be bound by both the restrictions and penalties imposed by this code of conduct. This code of conduct intends to establish clear and acceptable behaviour expectations for Abergele Golf Club members, guests and visitors. it is not intended to restrict the rights of anyone, but rather to ensure that all members, guests and visitors can expect to be treated with respect whilst enjoying both the golf course and clubhouse.
Abergele Golf Club is committed to providing an environment that is free of discrimination, harassment and intimidation for members, employees, and guests. All members must respect the rights, dignity, and worth of all participants regardless of age, gender, ability, race, cultural background, religious beliefs, or sexual identity. Bullying of any sort is totally unacceptable.
Unacceptable behaviour towards a member of staff will not be tolerated, and disciplinary procedures will be considered in all cases. In no case shall a servant of Abergele Golf Club be reprimanded directly by a member, nor shall any member be entitled to enter into discussion with a member of staff on any instructions passed to them by the Board of Directors.
Misuse of the Club’s IT systems is regarded as serious misconduct. When using social media in connection with the Club, its officials, or members, do so in a manner which could not be deemed offensive. You are asked to consider the impact of publicly expressing negative issues relating to the Club, its officials, or members on social media. Any such issues should be raised in line with the process outlined in this code of conduct for dealing with complaints and protests.
In the Clubhouse:
Members, guests, and visitors are reminded that,
- Any form of discrimination, harassment or intimidation is regarded as unacceptable behaviour
- Consumption of excessive quantities of alcohol is not permitted by law. Please do not be offended if service is refused
- The use of foul or abusive language such as swearing has no place in the clubhouse and any member heard using unacceptable or offensive language will be asked to either stop or leave the premises. Where someone is noticed to be consistently using bad language after being warned then their continued membership will be reviewed accordingly
- Smoking or the use of e-cigarettes is not permitted within any of the club buildings
- The taking of illegal substances will incur immediate loss of membership
- Consideration should be shown to others when using your mobile phone in the clubhouse
On the Course:
All golfers must:
- Avoid slow play and allow other golfers to play through as appropriate, waving the following group through when searching for lost balls and maintaining the speed of play by keeping up with the group in front
- Adhere to the dress code and R&A and local rules of the course
- Demonstrate fair play both on and off the course
- Always follow established golf etiquette respecting the course, such as:
- Repair pitch marks, replacing divots, raking bunkers
- Show the necessary respect to fellow golfers at all times which incorporates;
- No shouting on the course,
- No misuse of equipment (i.e. throwing clubs in frustration etc)
- No aggressive behaviour
- Conduct yourself in a sportsmanlike manner and not knowingly cheat, disrespect employees, officials, or fellow players
- Switch mobile phones to silent
Disciplinary Committee
Abergele Golf Club has appointed a Disciplinary Committee to oversee the complaints procedure and to conduct investigation, hearings and impose penalties as may be deemed necessary.
The Committee will be made up of the Chairman and one other Board Director, one past Captain and one past Lady Captain to be nominated at the time the Committee is convened.
Complaints and Protests
Complaints may be made by any person including a competitor, member, visiting guests, other associated golf club members, and members of the public.
Complaints must be made in the first instance to the Abergele Golf Club Board of Directors in writing in an acceptable timeframe. Once received the Board will consider the offence and refer it to the Disciplinary Committee either for oversight or investigation as appropriate. The decision and sanction of the Disciplinary Committee is final and can only be overturned by a Club EGM or AGM properly called and constituted.